Since 2002, ACC’s Center for Student Success - the first of its kind in the nation - has led member colleges in sharing best practices and expertise in advising, teaching, and support services to maximize student retention and completion.
Supporting Student Parents: In partnership with Jobs for the Future, ACC is promoting the 2gen approach to supporting student parents. This partnership will raise awareness of challenges faced by student parents, opportunities to leverage the 2gen framework, and best practices to support family well-being and student parent success.
SNAP Outreach Initiative: Through the ECMC Foundation’s Basic Needs Initiative, ACC and its member colleges developed and implemented a replicable model to enroll students in federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits as a means for meeting food insecurity needs.
READ MORE: Addressing Food Insecurity on Campus
Holistic Student Support Services: In partnership with Achieving the Dream, ACC and its member colleges implemented holistic students supports services, including redesigning advising and traditional student services, to better assess and address student academic and personal needs.